Let Education Happen Naturally And Occur In Nature

Growth & Development

Growth and development is a continuous process from immaturity to maturity.

Growth "refers to changes in measurable quantities such as weight, height, head circumference, chest circumference, and so on.

Development refers to the maturation of various systems and organ functions in the body, such as standing, walking, running, jumping, language development, and the development of mental and neural activities.

The Five Stages of Child Growth and Development

According to the physiological and psychological characteristics of children after birth, we generally divide their growth and development process into five stages: infancy, early childhood, pre school age, school age, and adolescence (adolescence).

Infant period: under 1 year old;

Early childhood: 1 to 3 years old;

Pre school age: 3-6 years old/7 years old;

School age: From the school age onwards, there are significant differences in the growth and development of boys and girls! Girls generally range in age from 6/7 to 11/12 years old; Boys generally range in age from 6/7 to 13/14 years old;

Adolescence: Girls generally age from 11/12 to 17/18 years old; Boys generally range from 13/14 to 18/20 years old.

Don't ignore the stages of a child's growth and development

Each stage of growth and development requires sufficient nutrition to meet the needs of growth and development. Each stage of growth and development has a focus on development points, and the stages of growth and development reflect the personality of children at different stages of growth and development.

We need to understand the growth and development knowledge of children at different stages in order to fundamentally understand the various nutrients required for their growth and supplement them in a timely manner.


Research Findings